Veterinary Hospice Care

We strive to provide the best quality of life possible for pets who may be suffering from a terminal condition or disease.

We know how difficult it can be to see your pet suffer from old age or an illness. We are passionate about providing the best quality of life possible for an animal who may be suffering from a terminal condition or disease. 

What is Veterinary Hospice?

The goal of veterinary hospice care is a family-focused, medically supervised, team-oriented service that is dedicated to maintaining the comfort and quality of life for terminally ill or senior pets. Hospice care shifts from treating a patient's illness to keeping them as comfortable as possible until a natural death occurs or the family elects euthanasia.

elderly dog laying on pet bed

Veterinary hospice care is typically appropriate for a pet if they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, have a life-expectancy in the range of a few days to months, and the pet owner does not want to euthanize at this time. Hospice care can give pet owners peace of mind knowing that they helped their beloved pet live a life that was as long and happy as possible. Please note that veterinary hospice appointments are scheduled as needed and does not include routine care (daily or weekly visits), any blood work, or diagnostic services. Our goal is to maintain the bond between humans and animals while focusing on comfort and education for families on providing palliative care.

Hearing the dreaded words “there’s nothing else we can do” doesn’t mean that your only option is euthanasia. Veterinary hospice care is a unique approach to the needs your pet has at the end of their life. This approach focuses specifically on managing symptoms and maintaining their happiness for as long as possible.

Why Choose Veterinary Hospice Care?

If you have received your pet’s diagnosis of a terminal illness or if you are trying to manage advanced aging in your pet veterinary hospice care
owner hugging dog can help. Perhaps, you just need to buy some time so your family has a chance to say goodbye. Whatever your case may be, Riverstone Veterinary hospice care is ready to assist you with your pet's needs. 

Veterinary hospice care revolves around the client-doctor relationship while adding supplemental services to help support the family. The most important aspect of hospice care is education about your pet’s medical condition. Dr. Cate and the veterinary technicians at Riverstone Vet Group will spend time with you making sure you and your family understand your pet's illness and are aware of what to expect as the illness progresses. 

Veterinary hospice care may include:

  • Education about the end-stage disease process
  • Symptom management
  • Pain recognition and treatment
  • Supplementary nutrition
  • Management of incontinence
  • Environmental recommendations
  • Mobility support
    and more.
You deserve to have all the information you can get in order to make the best decision for your family and your pet. And, while we cannot make that decision for you, we can assist you by sharing our medical knowledge to help you make a plan that meets the needs of your pet and respects the wishes of your family. To find out more or to schedule a consultation please contact our office.